About me
Welcome to my personal lore entry.
My name is Sage (they/them), but you may also know me as wavebeem. I've been a professional software developer since 2012. I've loved video games my whole life. I live with my wonderful partner, Ash, in Portland.
I fell in love with computers thanks to Microsoft Plus!, an incredible customization pack for Windows 95 that helped you theme your computer down to the smallest detail. Message boards and the world wide wibe were a haven for a weirdo like me.
I learned how to program in high school, and I've been doing it constantly ever since. After getting my degree in computer science, I've been working nonstop with web technologies. I love HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Video games
As a little baby, my grandma held me on her lap while playing Dr. Mario on the NES. Is it any surprise that a few decades later I'm still obsessed with video games?
My biggest love is handheld games, particularly the Nintendo Game Boy systems and the original Nintendo DS. I love 2D pixel art, and I make it myself from time to time. Check out my shrines for spaces dedicated to games I love.
Other interests
I've been a huge fan of metal music since I was a teen. My favorite subgenre is progressive metal. I also listen to a lot of video game music, and have been dabbling more in electronic music recently. My favorite electronic artist is Justice.
I love wearing makeup, especially bold and unusual looks. I sometimes make pixel art. I adore cats, and as a kid my favorite animal was the frog.
I'm an official representative for the color green.
My first name is Sage. My middle name is Fennel. My pronouns are they/them/theirs.
I have also been known by my legal name, which isn't hard to find, but I'm choosing not to list here.
Preferred terms
I do not use honorifics such as Mr, Ms, or Mx. I prefer gender neutral terms
when possible. Otherwise be creative, or use a feminine term. For example, I
would prefer Queen Sage
to King Sage
, but Your Highness
is better.