
Past designs

A visual overview of the many designs I've made for this website.

I'm notorious for redesigning my website

Rather than be ashamed of this tendency, I'm trying to embrace it. Welcome to my gallery of page designs. I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I made them.


Editorial 1.2 Light (2025)
Editorial 1.2 Dark (2025)
Editorial 1.2 Mobile (Closed Menu) (2025)
Editorial 1.2 Mobile (Open Menu) (2025)

I'm embracing content and organization. I tried to make the single column layout work on desktop, but it was really struggling. I have too many pages to put in a plain list, so I'm attempting to use hierarchy.

The group names aren't very good right now, but the idea of breaking up the links into groups of five or less items helps keep it from feeling overwhelming.

Previously you had to scroll to the bottom of any given page to start navigating to other content, which felt kinda weird. I'm embracing battled-tested design here: a sidebar on desktop and a hamburger menu on mobile. I specifically opted to not make the sidebar docked in part because it's more challenging, and in part to reduce distractions while reading longer posts. And the hamburger menu on mobile just expands content in place, rather than being a modal interaction.

Editorial 1.1 Light (2025)
Editorial 1.1 Dark (2025)

The bright, saturated colors weren't helping me achieve the "printed paper" look I had in my mind. I darkened and desaturated things a bit, giving everything a calmer look. I also now dynamically switch between the multiply and screen blend modes based on light/dark mode, rather than using luminosity.

Editorial (2025)

I was tired of using shapes and colors like a cudgel. I have been wanting to make a modern two color design for a long time. Going from over a dozen colors to just two makes it a lot easier to make page-specific themes, like for my new shrines.


Fresh green (2024)

Slime mode was super fun, but I was just tired of not having enough green on the page. This design was inspired by the Sprite Vanilla Frost soda can design.

Slime mode (2024)

This was the final form of slime mode, my attempt at making my website feel more fun. I still really like how this theme looks, but it's just not green enough for me.

Summer style (2024)

This design coincided with my 24/7 use of Night Mode. The warmer screen tone feels quite comfortable on my eyes in comparison to the harsh blues I was used to.

Lime & lavender (2024)

Inspired by fancy gelato pictures, I wanted to make something soft and airy. My previous design had many lines and sections, so I wanted to simplify things.

Aero (2024)

The love child of Windows Aero, the Wii, and stripes! This design is really fun, but the white felt overbearing, especially on mobile. There wasn't much interest besides the background, which bothered me. I'm still proud of the fade out half boxes I came up with for adding texture to the page.

Candy green (2024)

Maximal boxes. Boxes inside of boxes. Wild textures. Gradients providing depth. A gorgeous color scheme inspired by one of my favorite Destiny 2 shaders. This was super fun, and a great showcase for my candy.css library.


Cyber purple & lime (2023)

I needed a new theme to match my brand new neon green hair. I still like this one a lot. I wish it had more gree, but the purple is very nice and the neon green really pops against it.


Green & pink (2022)

Ugh, this looked a lot better in dark mode. The light mode green background is so pale and sickly. It looked quite good in dark mode where I could use a richer green. I think this theme is a perfect example of how you need to be creative when switching between dark and light themes, unless you only use neutral colors.


1bit-ui (2021)

Technically using 1bit-ui, I added lots of extra colors to this page. The fancy cards look cool, especially alongside the pixel art portrait I made, but it's an idea that was only half heartedly implemented.


Pixel art (2020)

This design still looks really cool to me, though the amount of green is basically zero! This was my first design to include a dark mode, which I thought looked really nice. I waited 5 years to use a serif font again, lol.


Big art (2018)

I got this cute art commissioned from a friend for my business card. I liked it so much I put it on my website. I think it was a bit too large on the page though.


Chat bubble (2017)

Wow, this sure was white. I copied the Material Design SCREAMING LABELS trend (ew, yuck, this was so awful). I unnecessarily made the nav bar look like tabs including active state (I was proud of this, though). I like the fun background color on the links, and my pixel art self portrait.


Bussiness card (2016)

Not much to see here. It was more of a digital business card. The design looked good on mobile but awkward on desktop.


Cards (2015)

Ten years later I can really see how I've grown with respect to typography and layout design. This is kind of a mess, though it's information dense and easy to understand, I think.


Super thin font (2014)

I do not miss the days of pencil thin fonts that are totally unreadable. Apparently I thought to use one here. The bold and low contrast links kinda bother me. Underlines aren't scary, but I think a lot of people (including me) thought they were back then.


The original (2013)

Despite also having a resume linked in PDF format, this is basically just an HTML resume. It's quite boring, but it's pretty effective. Using the accent color for both links and headings is really confusing, but I can tell I was trying to zhuzh up the main page a bit. Also, jump scare seeing the ghostly "Projects" text that's basically zero contrast lol. The extremely dense text probably felt better on smaller screens of the era, but hey, I tried!