Pokémon is one of the most important game franchises to me. I started
playing Pokémon Blue on the original Game Boy as a kid, and as an adult I
created Pokémon Type Calculator in 2013.
What began as a personal project in 2013 when I was frustrated loading the
Bulbapedia on my budget
Android smartphone is now considered a pillar of the Pokémon community. And
I never spent a red cent on advertising it. It grew purely through search
engine results and word of mouth.
The 2025 version of Pokémon Type Calculator (light theme)
The 2025 version of Pokémon Type Calculator (dark theme)
The 2025 version of Pokémon Type Calculator (night theme)
The original 2013 version of Pokémon Type Calculator
Pokémon Blue
The first Pokémon game I ever played: Pokémon Blue. I played it on the
Game Boy (DMG-01) unit.
It took 4 AA batteries and the screen was barely visible unless under direct
sunlight, but I was enamored. I definitely spent hundreds of hours playing
the game.
After beating the Elite Four countless times, catching most of the Pokédex,
and getting my core party nearly to level 100, disaster struck. It had been
so long since I had seen the beginning of the game, I decided to start a new
game just to mess around. And in a brief moment of pure muscle memory, I
saved my game, overwriting all of my hard earned progress. I was devastated.
The whole ordeal left me bitter and uninterested in starting the next
Pokémon game (Gold/Silver).
I didn't own and finish a new Pokémon game until Pokémon Platinum (2008) for
the Nintendo DS. I have owned and played every main line Pokémon game since
then. At some point I went back and played Pokémon Leaf Green, the Game Boy
Advance remake of Pokémon Red/Blue.
Pokémon Blue Version for Game Boy
Pokémon Crystal
I ordered the
Analogue Pocket in 2020,
shortly after I had a surging interest in playing Game Boy games. I had just
finished playing Dragon Quest I+II and Dragon Quest Monsters for the Game
Boy Color, and I was thrilled to get my fancy new backlight USB-C GB/GBC/GBA
compatible device. But it mostly sat in a drawer for a while.
At some point my partner unearthed their old Game Boy cartridges. The save
batteries had died, but knowing how to solder, it's not a tough fix. I
stepped in and soldered new save batteries into the cartridges. Then a
couple years later I got the urge to play their copy of Crystal. Despite not
playing Gold/Silver/Crystal in their era, I was a huge Game Boy kid, so I'm
enamored with the graphics so far.
I haven't found many good sources of lossless screenshots of pixel art video
games online, so I wanted to create a gallery of fun images from my
You can hover the images to temporarily turn off the effect.
Pokémon Crystal Version for Game Boy Color
Pokémon Crystal was the first Pokémon game where you could play as a girl.
It's me, Sage. I think it's interesting that the text "ID No." has
anti-aliasing, unlike all other text on screen.
I love the tile floor in this little outpost... whatever you call the
areas that section off the routes in the game.
The shop is so well designed.The rival (Silver) is so gender.
This house with a tatami mat floor is so detailed and colorful!
I love the retro cell phone interface for calling people.
Falkner's gymFalkner's portrait
Between Pidgey and Quilava, Bugsy was a complete pushover.
Some kind of glitch...
I'm so jealous! Raichu is my favorite Pokémon, but you can't get one
(unless you get extremely lucky from the egg) until well after you beat
the Elite Four :(
Hyuck-hyuck-hyuck!Feeling this a lot lately.Gastly using CurseThe Game Corner (gambling)HeheheOMG it's Raichu! My favorite Pokémon.VaporeonJolteonFlareonEspeonUmbreon
My least favorite thing in Pokémon: catching legendary/mythical Pokémon.
Having a 1% chance per ball and just save scumming a fight is not even
remotely fun.
Some of the attack animations are really impressive for the Game Boy
I was pretty underleveled for the Elite Four, but by using
strong Pokémon instead of my favorites, I was able to win
without grinding. Sorry Karen, but I'm an adult with a job, I don't have
time to win with my favorites.
That's me! It took about 50 hours including some grinding I didn't really
need to do. Plus I left the game idle a bit while playing in docked mode
with my Analogue Pocket.
I didn't really want to take any legendary/mythical Pokémon to the Elite
Four, but I didn't feel like grinding and Suicune was already at a good
level. So they were my backup Ice attack user for Alakazam, and I may have
used a Water attack once?
Golem has historically been fantastic on my team, but the Elite Four was
better at hitting his weaknesses. He did help out, though.
Alakazam is absurdly good in this game. Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, and
Psychic made him an absolute monster.
Gyarados! I feel like he was such a monster in some of the games I played,
but I didn't have as much luck with him here. Loading him up first with
Surf then with the inferior Waterfall, combined with his lackluster
Special Attack, made him mediocre at using his STAB for Water attacks. He
mostly just uses Strength and hits hard. But hey, cool free shiny
Gyarados, right?
Dragonair! I got the free Dratini from the dragon master guy and then gave
him the Exp. Share. I haven't actually used him in combat yet, but I'm
excited to eventually get a Dragonite, I guess. But the slow growth rate
is brutal.
My starter, Typhlosion. Not as good as I hoped, honestly. He takes way too
long to get any decent Fire moves. Putting Rollout on him was pretty great
though, since he avoids the array of Rock type weaknesses and has the HP
to stay alive long enough for Rollout to become a real threat.
Whew! I did it. I beat the Elite Four. I've heard Kanto is mostly a cake
walk after Johto, so I think I'll take the time to go through it.