A silly little collection of toys and jokes made specifically for the web.
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Creating a colorized disjoint union of graphs
I used graph traversal to implement an error detection system for a graph editor at a previous job.
I actually had to use algebra at work one time
After trying and failing to dust off my knowledge of trigonometry, I had to re-learn linear equations and algebraic systems of equations in order to solve a problem at work. I swear this was not an interview question.
Cool 3D buttons
A nice collection of buttons you'll want to push over and over again. These 3D buttons call back to a time of shiny silver plastic and tactile experiences.
Turns the lights off and navigate the page using a flashlight.
Windows Vista in CSS
Pure CSS nostalgia.
What pronouns does a jester use?
Press to reveal the punchline.
ザ・ワールド (The World)
無駄 無駄 無駄 無駄 (MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA)